Falling in love with swimming ?>

Falling in love with swimming

When it comes to triathlon it’s the swimming that’s intimidating for a beginner. Especially if, like me, you’ve never progressed beyond slow breast stroke with your face kept well out of the water. I love swimming in the sea – provided it’s warm, sunny and clear. Think Australia, the Med, Malaysia. Swimming pools bring back horrible memories of freezing cold school lessons and nasty changing rooms with unknown substances lurking in the corners. But I got myself down to my…

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From couch to 5k – and back to couch ?>

From couch to 5k – and back to couch

My road to triathlon started in September 2015 when I decided to get serious about getting fit. A week of using a pedometer revealed the sad fact that the recommended 10,000 steps per day was going to take a bit more effort than the occasional walk to the shops. Faced with a choice of walking further or moving faster, I went for the latter. I’d tried running (or, let’s be honest, jogging) before and failed. The minute the evenings got…

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The big scary triathlon goal ?>

The big scary triathlon goal

I’m currently training for a triathlon. Yes me. Wrong side of 50. Unfit. Utterly useless at sport. Must be mad. Exactly one year ago today I was told I had breast cancer and needed a mastectomy. That was a bit of a shocker. I’d no lump or any of the other symptoms we’re told to look out for. I’d gone along for my first mammogram like a good girl. Breezed in and out so fast I didn’t even need to…

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The past is a foreign country – collage ?>

The past is a foreign country – collage

I’ve been playing around with collages for a while, but without producing anything I really love. But I’m really pleased with this effort – not exactly a masterpiece but some nice little touches. The background I took from a very old paperback copy of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca which was falling to bits plus some scrapbooking papers. The paper flowers are also from scrapbooking papers. I don’t have a die cutter so used this tutorial from YouTube. The caption was…

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My first infographic! ?>

My first infographic!

I just created my first infographic and I’m so pleased I wanted to add it here as well as on the main Paprika Marketing website…….. Courtesy of: Paprika Marketing  

Paprika Marketing is born ?>

Paprika Marketing is born

It’s been an exciting summer planning my new venture and this week I’ve just launched Paprika Marketing – a new marketing consultancy offering hot and tasty online marketing for small businesses. Having decided that going back to full time employment wasn’t for me, the next step was to decide what type of new business I wanted. I looked at what I’d enjoyed most while running The Wedding Crafter and the answer was easy – the marketing. And with my technical…

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Lady of Leisure ?>

Lady of Leisure

What a frantic first 4 months of 2011! Having decided in late 2010 that it was time to sell the business and move on to new challenges, I was thrilled to find a buyer just before Christmas. However, if you think selling a house is fraught, selling a business has even more pitfalls. Finally, after one false start and a VERY busy time keeping things going through the peak period, everything was completed at the end of April and I’m now a lady…

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Looking forward to a Christmas Break ?>

Looking forward to a Christmas Break

For any small business owner, holidays can be a real issue. The one time of year when it is generally acceptable to close is Christmas so for the last few years I have made sure I take a proper break. December is usually very quiet at The Wedding Crafter so a good time to catch up on all those little housekeeping tasks and have a week off before the January rush. This year, however, December is really busy, so it’s…

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